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Splits a vector of radiocarbon lab IDs (e.g. "OxA-1234") into its constituent parts: the lab code ("OxA") and quasi-numeric unique identifier ("1324"). If x contains values that don't fit the standard format ("OxA-1234" or "OxA 4567"), by default the function will attempt to fix these with c14_fix_lab_id() before parsing.


c14_parse_lab_id(x, fix = TRUE)



Vector of lab IDs, e.g. "OxA-1234".


If TRUE (the default), attempts to fix malformed lab IDs before parsing.


A data frame with two character columns: lab_code and lab_number. If x

is of length one, this is simplified to a named character vector of length 2.


c14_parse_lab_id(c("OxA-1234", "Ly 456", "RT 1234-5678"))
#>   lab_code lab_number
#> 1      OxA       1234
#> 2       Ly        456
#> 3       RT  1234-5678

# By default, tries to fix malformed values of x before parsing
# Use fix = FALSE for strict parsing
c14_parse_lab_id(c("OxA 1234", "OxA_5678", "Gif/LSN-123"))
#>   lab_code lab_number
#> 1      OxA       1234
#> 2      OxA       5678
#> 3  Gif/LSN        123
c14_parse_lab_id(c("OxA 1234", "OxA_5678", "Gif/LSN-123"), fix = FALSE)
#>   lab_code lab_number
#> 1      OxA       1234
#> 2      OxA       5678
#> 3  Gif/LSN        123

# Single values of x are simplified to a character vector
c14_parse_lab_id("OxA 1234")
#>   lab_code lab_number 
#>      "OxA"     "1234"