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The cal class represents a vector of calendar probability distribution; typically calibrated radiocarbon dates.

cal() constructs a new cal vector from a set of data frames containing the raw probability distributions.


cal(..., .era = era::era("cal BP"))



<dynamic-dots> A set of data frames. Each should have two columns, the first a vector of calendar ages, and the second a vector of associated probability densities. If the first column is not an era::yr() vector, it is coerced to one using the time scale specified by .era.


era::era() object describing the time scale used for ages. Defaults to calendar years Before Present (era("cal BP")). Not used if the ages specified in ... are already era::yr() vectors.


A list of data frames with class cal (c14_cal). Each element has two columns: age and pdens.


# Uniform distribution between 1 and 10 BP:
cal(data.frame(age = era::yr(1:10, "cal BP"), pdens = rep(0.1, 10)))
#> <c14_cal[1]>
#> [1] c. 1 cal BP